horton aviation services LLC
policies include:
Prepurchase Inspections:
The prepurchase inspection is often misunderstood. It is not a way to ensure that there is nothing about to break on the aircraft, and it is not accompanied by a warranty. We sit down with you and agree in advance on a scope of work. There is no single blanket document that constitutes an acceptable prepurchase scope of work. Depending on the buyer, the aircraft, and the deal terms, the extent of a prepurchase inspection may vary widely. Normally a scope of work will address the following items:
Logbooks, documentation, and maintenance records
A.D. and service bulletin compliance review
Engine visual inspection and compression check (piston)
Engine borescope, cams, cylinders, valves
Turbochargers, fuel systems, engine accessories
Induction and exhaust systems
Airframe visual inspection for corrosion, skin condition
Inspect windshields and cabin glass for seals, crazing, scratches
Fuel tanks, drains and sample points, boost pumps
Functional checks of major systems--pressurization, HVAC, electrical, hydraulic, landing gear, de-ice systems, etc.
Other items as identified in the scope provided by the Buyer
It is customary for the purchaser to pay for the inspection. In any event, because airplane deals have been known to fall apart over details discovered during the prepurchase inspection, we require a clear understanding of who is liable for payment before we proceed.
Flat-Rate Inspections:
For all aircraft to remain airworthy, the FAA requires they be inspected periodically. Most operators choose to comply with the inspections set forth by the manufacturer, however operators may choose to prepare and submit an alternate method of compliance for FAA approval.
Whatever the inspection, in most cases we can study the requirements and provide a flat-rate quote. However, that does not include fixing anything! Throughout the inspection we itemize discrepancies--items that are broken or are no longer serviceable under the original specification. We bill on a time and materials basis for corrective actions to repair defects or replace unserviceable components.
In most cases we can provide estimates for a repair, but because the problem may lie deep inside a component, we cannot guaranty the final price. For example, you may have an air conditioning compressor that we think just needs freon. But once it's recharged we may discover leaky lines or ducts, compressor problems, worn components, etc. Such repairs for said problems will come at an additional cost.
Aircraft are complex and expensive. While we try our best to perfom required maintenance to the highest standards as quickly and efficiently as possible, be prepared for surprises!
If you are dissatisfied at any time with our work or you think our bill is unfair, please tell us and let us address your concerns!
Terms Of Use:
We make every effort to keep the information on this site as current as possible. However, information here is subject to change. If we tell you something and then chance our minds, we apologize and will try our best to make it up to you, but we cannot please all the people all the time, especially if we make a mistake in our favor.
We apologize in advance if we offend you or if you have to live with the results of our mistake. Please double-check everything. Get it in writing. Our policy is, "It's not a deal until all parties have agreed to it in writing."
If you have a question or problem with something you find here, or if you wish to discuss it or get the latest word, please use the Contact Us form to send us an email.